Alan turing apple

In 1954, computer scientist and brilliant mathematician Alan Turing died after biting into an apple laced with cyanide—a real-life version of Snow White and the poison apple. Whatever happened, the fact remains that a half-eaten apple was found by Turing's bedside.Jun 1, 2015

Is the Apple logo anything with Alan Turing?

Alan Turing has since been honoured and “pardoned”, however the Apple logo is not related to AT. A quick note: Alan Turing apparently committed suicide when he bit into an apple laced with cyanide.

Why Apple logo is half bitten?

Because it was designed that way 40 years ago (long before Android). And iOS is eating Android for breakfast, lunch and dinner. One story is that it was to give a sense of scale, so that it didn't look like a cherry.

What inspired the Apple logo?

Ronald Wayne designed the first logo in 1976. The event that led Isaac Newton to discover the law of gravity inspired him. Thus, an apple falling on his head. This logo had an apple hanging above the head of Isaac Newton, and with an inscription that read, 'Newton…

Where is Alan Turing buried?

Woking Crematorium, Woking, United KingdomAlan Turing / Place of burial

When did Gordon Brown Apologise to Alan Turing?

In 2009 the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued an official apology for his "appalling" treatment, but campaigns for a full pardon for the computer scientist have not been successful.

How did Steve Jobs name Apple?

Back when Apple was founded in 1976 companies often chose names that would appear near the front of the Phone Book. … Jobs said in an 1980 presentation that they gave Apple the name partly because he liked apples, and “partially because Apple is ahead of Atari in the phone book and I used to work at Atari.”

Why is it called Apple Macintosh?

He wanted to name the computer after his favorite type of apple, the McIntosh /ˈmækɪnˌtɒʃ/ MAK-in-tosh), but the spelling was changed to "Macintosh" for legal reasons as the original was the same spelling as that used by McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., an audio equipment manufacturer.