Ataturk mausoleum hours

The Anıtkabir is open every day from 09:00 am to 17:00 (5 pm, till 16:00/4 pm in winter). The museum closes for lunch from 12:00 noon to 13:00 (1 pm).

Is Ataturk buried in the ground?

Atatürk's tomb is situated right under the symbolic 40-ton sarcophagus in the ground floor of The Hall of Honor, and Atatürk's body is buried below this in a special Tomb Room in the basement level.

Where is the tomb of Ataturk?

Anıtkabir, Ankara, TurkeyMustafa Kemal Atatürk / Place of burial

What city is the capital of Turkey?

AnkaraTurkey / Capital The Turks conquered the city in 1453 and changed the name to Istanbul. Ankara is the capital of Turkey and the nation's second largest city. Once known as Angora, the city is situated in the central part of the Anatolian plateau.

How Mustafa Kemal Atatürk died?

Cirrhosis of the liverMustafa Kemal Atatürk / Cause of deathCirrhosis, also known as liver cirrhosis or hepatic cirrhosis, and end-stage liver disease, is the impaired liver function caused by the formation of scar tissue known as fibrosis due to damage caused by liver disease. Wikipedia

Is Anıtkabir free?

Admission is free. To get to the Anıtkabir, take a taxi (probably not more thanTL9), or the Ankaray to the Tandoğan (TAHN-doh-ahn) station and walk uphill about a mile (1.5 km, 20 minutes), or take a taxi (about TL10).

What is the religion of Turkey?

Islam Islam is the largest religion in Turkey. More than 99 percent of the population is Muslim, mostly Sunni. Christianity (Oriental Orthodoxy, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic) and Judaism are the other religions in practice, but the non-Muslim population declined in the early 2000s.

How do you pronounce Ankara in Turkish?

0:200:48How to Pronounce Ankara, Turkey? (CORRECTLY) – YouTubeYouTube