Taurus mountains geology

Geology. The Taurus Mountains were formed by the collision of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates. The predominant underlying rock is limestone. In the Aladaglar and Bolkar mountains, limestone has eroded to form karstic landscapes of waterfalls, underground rivers, and some of the largest caves of Asia.

Elevation: 3,756 m (12,323 ft)

Peak: 3,756 m

How were the Taurus Mountains formed?

The mountains more than 2500 m elevation contain two belts of vegetation: forest and subalpine grass (Figureure 2). Main formation of Taurus Mountains was formed as a result of Alpine Orogeny. Present-day topography was shaped by the neotectonic movements that led to faulting and epeirogenetic movements.

What is special about the Taurus Mountains?

The mountains are rugged, magnificent, and most difficult to climb after Ararat. The Taurus range is crossed by five major passes; the Cilician Gates (Gülek Bogazi, northwest of Adana and north of Tarsus) is the best known. The mountains have always been a barrier to movements between central Anatolia and the coast.

Where are Taurus Mountains?

southern Turkey Taurus Mountains, Turkish Toros Dağlari, mountain range in southern Turkey, a great chain running parallel to the Mediterranean coast. The system extends along a curve from Lake Egridir in the west to the upper reaches of the Euphrates River in the east.

What are the mountains in Antalya called?

The Beydaglar Mountains, in the western extension of the Taurus Mountains, lie to the west of the Bay of Antalya and run parallel a north-south direction. The most important peaks are Teke, Mt. Bakirdagi, Mt.

What are the Taurus Mountains made of?

limestone The Taurus Mountains were formed by the collision of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates. The predominant underlying rock is limestone. In the Aladaglar and Bolkar mountains, limestone has eroded to form karstic landscapes of waterfalls, underground rivers, and some of the largest caves of Asia.

How long is the Taurus mountain range?

Taurus Mountains

Range TypeMountain range with well-recognized name
Extent303 km / 188 mi North-South 466 km / 290 mi East-West
Center Lat/Long37° 11' N; 33° 25' E
Map LinkMicrosoft Bing Map
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Why are they called the Taurus Mountains?

Pre-history and early Roman period The bull was commonly the symbol and depiction of ancient Near Eastern storm gods, hence Taurus the bull, and hence the name of the mountains. The mountains are a place of many ancient storm-god temples.